Inverse trigonometric functions
Arcsine; Arctan; Arctangent; Inverse tangent; Arccosine; Cyclometric function; Arc Sine; Arc sine; Arc Cosecant; Arc Cosine; Arc Cotangent; Arc Secant; Arc Tangent; Arcsin; Arccotangent; Arccosec; Arccosecant; Arccot; Arcctg; Inverse cosine; Inverse cotangent; Inverse cosecant; Arccsc; Inverse secant; Inverse sine; Arcsecant; Arctg; Arc cosecant; Arc function; Inverse trigonometric cofunctions; Cyclometric functions; ArcSin; Arc tangent; Arc cosine; Arc cotangent; Arc functions; Arcsin(x); Arccos(x); Arctan(x); Inverse trigonometric function; Inverse trig functions; Inverse trig function; Inverse trig; Inverse trigonometry; Arc trigonometric functions; Cyclometric; Arc- (function prefix); Arcus sinus; Arcus cosinus; Arcus tangens; Arcus secans; Arcus cotangens; Arcus cosecans; Arccos (trigonometry); Arcsin (trigonometry); Arccot (trigonometry); Arccsc (trigonometry); Arcsec (trigonometry); Arctan (trigonometry); Arctg (trigonometric function); Arcctg (trigonometric function); Arcus function; Trigonometric arcus function; Trigonometric arcus functions; Arc-trigonometric functions; Arc-trigonometric function; Arc trigonometric function; Anti-trigonometric function; Anti-trigonometric functions; Antitrigonometric function; Antitrigonometric functions; Arc-sine; Arc-cosine; Arc-tangent; Arc-cotangent; Arc-secant; Arc-cosecant; Anti-sine; Anti-cosine; Anti-tangent; Anti-cotangent; Anti-secant; Anti-cosecant; Antisine; Anticosine; Antitangent; Anticotangent; Antisecant; Anticosecant; Inv sin; Inv cos; Inv tan; Inv cot; Inv sec; Inv csc; Inverse trigonometric sine; Inverse trigonometric cosine; Inverse trigonometric tangent; Inverse trigonometric cotangent; Inverse trigonometric secant; Inverse trigonometric cosecant; Arcsec (trigonometric function); Arcsec (function); Asec (function); Inverse circular function; Inverse circular functions; Arc secant; Inverse trigonometric; Arc (function prefix); Arctangent function; Asin (function); Acos (function); Atan (function)
In mathematics, the inverse trigonometric functions (occasionally also called arcus functions, antitrigonometric functions or cyclometric functions) are the inverse functions of the trigonometric functions (with suitably restricted domains). Specifically, they are the inverses of the sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant functions, and are used to obtain an angle from any of the angle's trigonometric ratios.